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Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Major Scale

The Major Scale is the building block for music. It is basically a 7 note step. It is made up of whole steps and half steps. Any time you skip a fret and play the next note, it is a whole step, if you play the next fret, it is called a "half step."

The note you start on is the key of the scale. If you follow the step pattern of whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step.

Try playing the scale on one guitar string only before moving on to other ways. I found a cool video that explains what I have written here:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Guitar 101 - Using all of your fingers on the fret hand

When you are learning to play guitar, it is important to build up your finger strength and be able to use all of the fingers on your fret hand equally.

I found a cool video on You tube that demonstrates a pretty simple excercise to get your fret hand finger strength up. Practice this exercise for a few minutes a day and you will find that your fret hand finger strength will improve in no time.

The guitar strings may be painful at first, but that will pass as you build up calluses on your finger tips.