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Saturday, November 15, 2008

You can Tune a Guitar

Next to knowing how to change your guitar strings, knowing how to tune your guitar is probably equally as important.

There are several more advanced guitar strings tunings, such as drop 'D' and other creative tunings to give you those different tones, which we will cover in later posts.

Today we will cover what is called the standard guitar strings tuning.

Your strings will sound in the following notes from top to bottom - E-A-D-G-B-E. There are several ways to accomplish getting the tuning of your guitar completed. The easiest of which is through the use of chromatic tuners, which you can find for very reasonable prices.

There are also methods like harmonic tuning, which again will be covered in later blogs.

The video below will focus on the simplest of tuning methods, which utilizes learning the note positions on each guitar string to subsequently tune each consecutive string.

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